Who are we?
Enter-Law is a boutique firm created in 2014 in Paris by Cerasela Vlad – lawyer and mediator – to meet the needs of an international and multicultural clientele.
Enter-Law provides legal support to professionals in the creative, innovative and communication sectors and is a player in the amicable dispute resolution system.
In the constantly evolving world of creative techniques and processes, our knowledge of different sectors and the curiosity by which we are driven enable us to work closely with our clients and offer them innovative solutions to achieve their goals.
Our mission, focusing on protecting our customers’ interests at every stage of their projects, comprises both a preventive approach, consisting of raising awareness of legal issues and securing contractual relationships, and a constructive approach when resolving any disputes that may arise.

Cerasela Vlad
Cerasela provides legal assistance to a wide range of clients, including for instance producers of audiovisual and animation works, of video games and music, entertainment companies, authors of film, music and visual arts, photographers, models, influencers, public figures, software publishers and developers, web publishers, telecom operators.
Her expertise includes due diligence and consulting, drafting and negotiating tailor-made contracts, and providing assistance during the litigation and pre-litigation phases in matters such as infringement of intellectual property rights, unfair competition, free-riding, protection of privacy and image rights.
Cerasela also acts as an agent for artists and authors.
As a mediator, Cerasela puts her know-how and listening skills in the service of mediated parties, helping them to communicate effectively and work together to find a solution to the difficulties they encounter.
Bars: Paris, Bucharest*
Working languages: French, English, Romanian, Spanish
Education :
Master’s degree in European law – Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne 2002
Master’s degree in Romanian law – Bucharest – 2002
LLM Computer Science and Law – Montpellier I – 2003
LLM Law of Digital Creations – Paris XI / Paris I Panthéon – Sorbonne – 2005
Bucharest Bar 2007
Paris Bar 2009
Mediation certificate – IFOMENE, Paris – 2019
APRAM membership since 2018
Media law course in the bilingual Master pro “Intelligence et innovation culturelles” at Université Paris VII – Diderot (2014-2016)
* inactive